3rd dam |
LADY HATHAWAY p, 2, 1:57.4 ($55,009) 1 win, by NO NUKES p, 3, T1:52.1. From 11 foals, dam of 9 winners(3 in 1:53, 6 in 1:55, 7 in 1:57, 8 in 1:59) including- |
ROYAL MATTJESTY (h, Matts Scooter) p, 2, 1:50.3, 3, 1:50.2s, 1:48.4 -'04, BT1:48.3-'04 ($1,653,367) 19 wins. At 2, winner of Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Int'l Stallion S. div at The Red Mile; second in Nassagaweya S. at Mohawk; third in Champlain S. at Mohawk. At 3, winner of Messenger S. elim at The Meadows, NJSS div at The Meadowlands; second in Hoosier Cup elim at Hoosier Park, James Dancer Memorial elim at Freehold, NJ Classic elim at The Meadowlands, final at The Meadowlands, NJSS div at The Meadowlands, Oliver Wendell Holmes S. at The Meadowlands, Provincial Cup elim at Windsor; third in James Dancer Memorial final at Freehold, North America Cup elim at Woodbine, Provincial Cup final at Windsor, Simcoe S. at Mohawk, Tattersalls Pace at The Red Mile. At 4, winner of FFA at Mohawk, Jr FFA at Mohawk, at Woodbine, Whenuwishuponastar Series at Woodbine; second in FFA at Mohawk, (twice) at Woodbine, Open at The Meadowlands, Pacing Classic S. final at Dover Downs, Whenuwishuponastar Series final at Woodbine, at Woodbine; third in Aquarius Series final at The Meadowlands, FFA (twice) at Mohawk. As aged, winner of Allerage Farm S. final at The Red Mile, Battle of Lake Erie S. final at Northfield Park, Breeders Crown elim at The Meadowlands, Magical Mike S. div at Delaware County Fair, Open at Mohawk, Pacing Classic elim at The Meadowlands, Spring Pacing Ch leg at Mohawk, War On The Shore FFA Invitational at Harrington; second in American-National S. final at Balmoral Park, Breeders Crown final at The Meadowlands, Canadian Pacing Derby elim at Woodbine, final at Woodbine, Industry Day Invitation at Woodbine, Presidential Series leg (twice) at The Meadowlands, Spring Pacing Ch leg at Mohawk; third in Classic Series leg at Mohawk, final at Mohawk, Jr FFA at Mohawk, Open at The Meadowlands, at Woodbine. Died 2022. |
HIS MATTJESTY (h, Matts Scooter) p, 2, 1:52.1f, 3, 1:51s -'97, BT1:50.4-'97 ($1,038,861) 16 wins. Winner of 1996 O'Brien Award for Two Year Old Pacing Colts/Geldings and Winner of 1996 OJC Award for Two Year Old Pacing Colts/Geldings. At 2, winner of Breeders Crown final at Mohawk, Kindergarten Series div at Woodbine, at Woodbine, Matron S. at Pompano Park, Metro Pace elim at Woodbine, Nassagaweya S. div at Mohawk; second in Breeders Crown elim at Mohawk, Champlain S. div at Mohawk, Governors Cup elim at Garden State Park, final at Garden State Park, Kindergarten Series div at Woodbine, Niatross S. leg at The Meadowlands. At 3, winner of Open (twice) at Mohawk; second in Hoosier Cup elim at Hoosier Park, JFA at Woodbine, Little Brown Jug elim at Delaware County Fair, Open at Mohawk, Preferred at Woodbine, Simcoe S. div at Woodbine; third in Meadowlands Pace elim at The Meadowlands, Open at Mohawk, Provincial Cup final at Windsor. |
HER MATTJESTY (m, Matts Scooter) p, 2, 1:54.1s -'98, BT1:53.4-'99 ($391,889) 6 wins. At 2, winner of Champlain S. div at Woodbine, Harvest S. div at Woodbine, KY Std Sale S. div at Hoosier Park, Robert Stewart S. elim at Mohawk, final at Mohawk; second in Breeders Crown elim at Colonial Downs, Countess Adios S. leg at The Meadowlands, Sweetheart Pace final at The Meadowlands. At 3, second in Flamboro Breeders div at Flamboro Downs. Dam of- |
| |
E Z NOAH p, 2, 1:53f, 3, 1:50f, 1:49.2f -'15 ($856,073). |
| |
ROYALTYHASARRIVED p, 2, 1:55.2f, 3, 1:52.2f, 1:50.4f -'19, BT1:50.3f-'19 ($389,237). |
| |
PHILOSOPHER KING p, 2, 1:55, 3, 1:52.1 -'05, BT1:50.1-'05 ($386,141). |
| |
WAFFLES AND CREAM p, 2, 1:53.2s, 3, 1:52.1f, 1:51s -'11, BT1:49.4s-'11 ($340,961). |
| |
I KILL TIME p, 2, 1:54.2f, 3, 1:54.1h, 4, 1:52.2 -'12, BT1:50.4f-'12 ($240,968). Dam of- |
| | |
LOUTENANT p, 2, 1:54.2f, 1:50.1f -'21 ($262,540). |
| | |
CRUISIN THRU TIME p, 3, 1:52f -'21 ($162,830). |
| | |
IMA IRONMAN p, 3, 1:55.2h, 4, 1:52.4h -'19, BT1:52.2h-'20 ($125,960). |
| | |
LIMA ILLUSION p, 3, 1:56.2h, 1:55.2f -'21, BT1:54.3f-'21 ($113,668). |
| | |
PROCRASTINATOR p, 2, Q1:57.4h, 3, 1:55.1h, 4, 1:52.1s -'23, BT1:51s-'22 ($75,064). |
| | |
KILLER WAVES p, 2, Q1:59.4f, 3, 1:56h -'23, BT1:53f-'23 ($42,486). |
| | |
Five p, 3, 1:52.3f -'24 ($32,193). |
| | |
Santabarbara Beach p, , BT1:56.2f-'24 ($6,720). Now 2 and race timed in p, 1:56.2f. |
| |
ARTS MATTJESTY p, 2, 1:54.1s, 3, 1:51.4s -'07, BT1:50.2s-'07 ($239,459). |
| |
ENERGY SHAKES p, 2, 1:59.3h, 3, 1:53.4f, 1:50.3f -'16 ($145,061). |
| |
DISMISSAL p, 3, 1:51.1f, 4, 1:51f -'17 ($106,615). Dam of- |
| | |
BYTHEMISSAL p, 2, 1:55f, 3, 1:48.3f, 4, 1:47.1 -'23 ($2,187,352). |
| | |
Lounar Eclipse p, 3, 1:52.1f -'24, BT1:50.4-'24 ($26,520). |
| | |
Steel Cowboy p, 3, 1:52.3f -'23, BT1:52.2s-'23 ($18,210). |
| | |
Penny Benjamin. Now 2 . |
| |
KARMA WINS p, 2, 1:56.1f, 3, Q1:56f, 4, 1:55.2f -'19, BT1:53.3f-'20 ($55,107). |
| |
LONG NIGHT p, 4, 1:53f -'11 ($53,294). |
| |
PLEASE TAKE OVER p, 3, 1:55.4f -'20, BT1:54.4f-'20 ($23,528). Dam of- |
| | |
Pleasure Station. Now 2 . |
| |
Alex And David p, , BT1:56.4f-'24 ($3,656). Now 3 and racing. Raced at 2. |
| |
Hempster Onthe Run p, 2, Q2:00.1s -'21, BT1:55.3s-'21 ($2,980). |
| |
Oath. Dam of- |
| | |
SAND SONYA p, 3, 1:55h, 1:53h -'16, BT1:51.1h-'18 ($246,797). |
| | |
DID IT AGAIN p, 3, 1:54f, 1:51f -'11 ($244,448). Died 09/2024. |
| | |
CHEDDA CHEDDA p, 2, 1:59.2h, 3, 1:53s, 4, 1:52f -'24, BT1:51f-'24 ($164,705). |
| | |
IDEALS OATH p, 2, 1:56f, 1:51.4s -'18 ($53,707). |
| | |
This Chick Bets. Now 3 and racing. Raced at 2. |
| |
Pw Spare. Dam of- |
| | |
MONTEZUMA BLUECHIP p, 3, 1:54.3s, 1:52.4h -'17, BT1:50.4h-'16 ($226,756). |
| | |
HOPE BLUE CHIP p, 2, 1:54s, 4, 1:53.4h -'13, BT1:52.3s-'11 ($80,245). |
| | |
NICHE BLUE CHIP p, 2, 2:00h, 3, 1:57h -'16, BT1:54s-'18 ($63,009). Died 05/2021. |
| | |
Iaznami Blue Chip p, 2, Q2:04.3h -'10, BTQ1:57s-'11 ($7,104). |
| | |
MATTJESTY BLUECHIP p, 2, 1:56.2s, 3, 1:55.3s -'15, BT1:54.4-'15 ($4,100). |
| |
Royal Terror. Dam of- |
| | |
PREMIER FIRST STAR p, 3, 1:52s -'24, BT1:50.4s-'24 ($43,252). |
| | |
Premier Risingstar. Now 2 . |
LADY MATTINGLY (m, Matts Scooter) p, 3, 1:53 -'96 ($107,615) 3 wins. As Above. |
JEFFERSON STEIN (h, Presidential Ball) p, 2, 1:56.4f, 3, 1:55.2s, 1:54.2s -'02, BT1:52.2s-'00 ($86,845) 11 wins. |
SHIRT THE ISSUE (g, Direct Scooter) p, 2, Q1:58.3, 3, 1:57.1, 1:55.2f -'95, BT1:54-'93 ($59,539) 19 wins. |
MATTER OF MONEY (h, Matts Scooter) p, 2, 1:55 -'94, BT1:54.3-'94 ($39,598) 4 wins. At 2, winner of NJ Fair S. div at Garden State Park, div at Showplace Farm, NJSS div at The Meadowlands; second in NJSS div at The Meadowlands. Died 10/2004. |
REAL SPORT (g, Presidential Ball) p, 2, 1:57.3s -'97, BT1:56.2s-'98 ($5,664) 1 win. |
Ddi (m, Matts Scooter) p, 3, 2:02.2h -'01, BTQ2:00.2f-'00 ($2,848) 1 win. Dam of- |
| |
LULUS BOY p, 2, Q1:59.1f, 3, 1:56.2f, 1:52.1s -'13, BT1:51.1s-'13 ($236,732). |
| |
GISELE BLUE CHIP p, 2, 1:57.4h, 3, 1:54.1f -'07 ($52,293). Dam of- |
| | |
LADY GISELE p, 2, 1:58f, 3, 1:55f, 1:54h -'17, BT1:53h-'17 ($136,434). |
| |
METIS BLUE CHIP p, 2, Q2:00.1f, 3, 1:56.4, 4, 1:53 -'12, BT1:51.3-'12 ($44,341). Died 2022. Dam of- |
| | |
FRONTIER METIS p, 2, 1:57.2s, 3, 1:53.1s, 1:51f -'24 ($113,213). |
| |
Ddi Major p, 2, 2:00.4h, 3, 2:00.3h -'13, BT1:58.1h-'13 ($15,457). |
| |
Elena Blue Chip p, , BT2:01.1h-'04 ($7,058). Dam of- |
| | |
IN THE GAME p, 2, 1:54.1, 3, 1:53.4f -'09, BT1:52.2f-'09 ($119,414). |
| | |
ELENAS CHIP p, 4, 1:58.1f -'14, BT1:56.4f-'14 ($8,267). |
| | |
Elenas Terror p, 2, 2:00.2h -'10, BTQ1:56.3f-'10 ($6,965). |
| |
DAIQUIRI BLUE CHIP p, 2, Q1:59 -'08, BT1:57-'08. Dam of- |
| | |
CHASE THE GOLD p, 3, 1:55.1, 4, 1:51 -'22 ($149,077). |
| | |
SHES ON A ROLL p, 3, 1:56.1f -'18, BT1:54-'19 ($47,066). |
| | |
I CAN DREAM p, 1:54.4e -'19 ($45,866). |
Lady Mattingly (died) (m, Matts Scooter). Died 1991. |
Mattmoiselle (m, Matts Scooter). Dam of- |
| |
MATTIFIOSO p, 2, Q1:55f, 3, 1:54.1f, 4, 1:52.2f -'10 ($82,855). |
| |
MARLON ROUGE p, 3, 1:57.3f -'07, BT1:56.2f-'07 ($20,224). |