3rd dam |
JEFS CELEBRATION p, 2, Q2:03.3f ($531), by ALBATROSS p, 4, 1:54.3f. From 12 foals, dam of 10 winners(3 in 1:53, 6 in 1:55, 9 in 1:57) including- |
CALIFORNIA CAM (r, Cam Fella) p, 2, Q2:00, 3, 1:53.4, 1:51.2 -'96 ($488,998) 39 wins. At 4, winner of Complex Series leg at The Meadowlands; second in Complex Series leg at The Meadowlands. As aged, third in Preferred-Invitation at Freehold. |
MICHELLES FANTASY (m, Cams Card Shark) p, 2, 1:54.4h, 3, 1:54h -'00, BT1:52.1s-'00 ($402,049) 9 wins. Died 08/2009. As Above. |
DRIVERS ED (h, Cam Fella) p, 3, 1:51, 4, 1:49.3 -'00, BT1:49.2-'00 ($187,632) 11 wins. At 3, winner of Forrest Skipper Series leg at The Meadowlands, NJSS final at Freehold, div at Garden State Park; second in NJSS div at Freehold; third in Forrest Skipper Series final at The Meadowlands. At 4, second in Aquarius Series cons at The Meadowlands. |
CAMS SENSATION (m, Cam Fella) p, 3, 1:55.4, 1:54.2 -'97, BT1:52.4-'97 ($164,360) 20 wins. At 3, third in Newcomer Series div at Freehold. Dam of- |
| |
ATOMIC REI p, 3, 2:00.4h, 1:51.2s -'13 ($261,293). |
| |
UNKNOWN SOLDIER p, 3, 1:53s, 1:51.4f -'10, BT1:50.4f-'10 ($259,892). |
| |
ALLAMERICAN CARESS p, 2, 1:56.4h, 3, 1:56.1h, 1:55.2h -'11, BT1:54h-'12 ($158,900). Dam of- |
| | |
AMERICAN MARVEL p, 2, 1:59.3h, 3, 1:57.2h -'24, BT1:57.1h-'24 ($57,514). |
| |
SPENCER B p, 3, 1:55.4f, 4, 1:52.4s -'11, BT1:52.2s-'11 ($144,969). |
| |
VICTORY DOT COM p, 2, 1:58.4f, 3, 1:56s -'04, BT1:53-'04 ($43,945). |
| |
ALLAMERICAN KELLI p, 3, 1:53.2 -'07, BT1:53.1-'07 ($43,347). Dam of- |
| | |
MONEYORROSES p, 2, 1:58.2h, 4, 1:53.3f -'22, BT1:51.2f-'22 ($129,663). |
| | |
KAHLUA MORNING p, 3, 1:57.3h, 1:54.4f -'20 ($101,694). |
| | |
KELLYS CROSS p, 2, 1:59h, 3, 1:54.3f -'14, BT1:52.4f-'15 ($50,104). |
| | |
KNOCKOUT PUNCH p, 3, 1:59.1h, 4, 1:56.2h -'20, BT1:55h-'21 ($21,015). |
| | |
ALL HAIL p, 3, 2:00.3h -'15, BT1:58.4h-'15 ($16,025). |
| | |
ROSES FOR JENNIE p, 3, 1:57.1h -'22, BT1:56h-'23 ($15,758). |
| | |
KEEN EDGE p, 2, 1:59.4h, 3, 1:59.2h -'16, BT1:59h-'16 ($6,774). |
| | |
KEEP IT COUNTRY p, 2, 2:03.2h -'16, BT2:01.3h-'16 ($5,955). |
| | |
ROSIEALLOVER p, 2, 2:01.4h -'23, BT1:58.2h-'24 ($5,495). |
| | |
Gorosiego p, 4, 2:02.1h -'24, BT1:58h-'23 ($3,612). |
| | |
Teddy Cays p, , BT2:01.4h-'24 ($1,193). Now 2 and race timed in p, 2:01.4h. |
| |
FOUR STARZ SQUARED p, 3, 1:58.3h, 4, 1:57.3h -'06, BT1:55.3f-'05 ($35,518). |
| |
REI BOLGER p, 2, 2:14.4h, 3, Q2:02.3f -'13, BT1:59.1f-'13 ($5,703). |
CAMS TERMINATOR (g, Cam Fella) p, 2, 1:59.3h, 3, 1:54.4, 4, 1:51.4 -'93, BT1:51.1-'93 ($156,319) 10 wins. At 3, second in NJSS div at Freehold, div at Garden State Park, final at Garden State Park. At 4, winner of Complex Series leg at The Meadowlands; second in Complex Series leg at The Meadowlands; third in Complex Series leg at The Meadowlands. Died 2004. |
CAMS TRIUMPH (g, Cam Fella) p, 3, 1:59.2s, 1:56.1h -'00, BT1:54.3s-'01 ($91,809) 19 wins. |
WHAM BAM CAM (g, Cam Fella) p, 2, 2:00.3h, 4, 1:56 -'95, BT1:54.1-'95 ($69,690) 15 wins. |
TINAS BLISS (m, Blissfull Hall) p, 3, 1:55.4f, 4, 1:55.3h -'10, BT1:53.2f-'09 ($46,068) 4 wins. At 3, third in MD Std. Race Fund div at Rosecroft. Dam of- |
| |
STUDIO SESSION p, 2, Q2:00.4f, 3, 1:55.4h -'18, BT1:53.2f-'18 ($125,213). |
| |
MILLION MILES p, 3, 1:52.1f -'15, BT1:51.2f-'15 ($35,195). |
| |
SOPHIES DESTINY p, 2, 2:03.2h, 3, 1:58.4h -'20, BT1:56.3f-'20 ($12,457). |
| |
My Bliss p, 3, 2:15h, 4, Q2:05.4h -'17, BT2:01.3h-'17 ($7,286). |
| |
Wine N Cheddar p, 3, 2:07.2h, 2:02h -'24, BT2:00.2h-'23 ($5,099). |
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Tinas Turn. Now 3. |
| |
Badlands Babe. Now 2 . |
CHEYENNE LITTLEGUY (g, Camluck) p, 3, 1:58.1, 4, 1:54s -'06, BT1:52.4s-'06 ($25,747) 3 wins. At 4, third in Snowshoe Pacing Series leg at Woodbine. |
Lucky Celebration (g, Camluck) p, 4, 2:02.4h -'08, BT1:58.2h-'08 ($14,820) 1 win. |
Observe Me (m, Cambest). Died 2020. Dam of- |
| |
HANDSOFFMYCOOKIE p, 2, 1:52.4, 3, Q1:52.3, 1:51.3f -'14, BT1:50.1f-'12 ($1,408,440). Dam of- |
| | |
THE COOKIE MONSTER p, 4, 1:51.4f -'21, BT1:50.2-'23 ($89,303). |
| | |
J GLO p, 2, 1:56.1s -'24 ($24,825). |
| | |
Letmebeyourhero p, 3, 1:54.3f -'22, BT1:52.4f-'22 ($22,074). |
| | |
Showmethecookies. Now 3 . |
| |
IDEAL OBSERVATION p, 2, 1:56.3f, 1:53.3f -'12, BT1:52.1f-'12 ($122,181). Dam of- |
| | |
MIKES Z TAM p, 2, 1:54.2f, 3, 1:49.2 -'17, BT1:48.4-'23 ($784,223). |
| | |
GRAB N GO p, 3, 1:57.3s, 1:54.1 -'23, BT1:52.4-'23 ($62,097). |
| |
GRIZZLY MAMA p, 3, 1:54.4s -'16 ($10,607). Dam of- |
| | |
ROLL ON MAMA p, 2, Q1:57f, 3, 1:52.2f -'21, BT1:51.2f-'21 ($74,536). |
| | |
Baby Bear p, 2, Q2:02.3h -'24, BT1:56.4f-'24 ($2,600). |
| | |
Seaside Grizzly. Now 3 and racing. |
| |
Allamerican Octave p, 3, 2:03h -'09, BTQ2:00.4-'09 ($2,901). |
| |
Allamerican Odin p, 3, 2:02.1f -'08, BT1:59s-'09 ($2,397). |
| |
Look Close p, , BT1:57f-'13 ($410). Dam of- |
| | |
ROCKIN FARRARI p, 3, 1:53.2f -'20, BT1:52.2f-'20 ($87,141). |
| | |
Sand Fantasy p, 3, Q2:00.3h -'21, BT1:56f-'20 ($3,500). |
| |
JOYCES CHOICES p, 2, Q1:59.2f -'18, BT1:56-'18. Dam of- |
| | |
HESADARKSHARK p, 2, 1:58.3 -'24, BT1:54.1-'24 ($18,591). |
| |
Stage Review. Dam of- |
| | |
GO RANDY GO p, 3, 1:57.3h, 4, 1:54.4h -'22, BT1:53.2f-'21 ($94,611). |
| | |
Drama Critic p, 2, 1:57.1s -'24, BT1:54.2s-'24 ($9,615). |
| | |
STAGE LIGHTNING p, 2, 2:03.1h -'21, BT1:57.1-'21 ($8,040). |
| | |
Cv George. Now 3. |
Funny Card (m, Cams Card Shark). Dam of- |
| |
IDEALINFUN p, 2, 1:54.3f, 3, 1:52f, 4, 1:51f -'23, BT1:50.2f-'23 ($274,297). |
| |
FUNNY SAID p, 3, 1:53.1f -'19, BT1:51.4f-'19 ($71,112). |
| |
FUNNY THREE p, 3, 1:57.3f, 4, 1:57.1f -'18, BT1:56.2h-'18 ($47,049). Dam of- |
| | |
Xtra Cheese p, 2, 1:57.1h, 3, 1:54f, 4, 1:53.3f -'24, BT1:52.4s-'24 ($67,175). |
| | |
Thats Ironic. Now 3. |
| | |
Larjon Lilly. Now 2 . |
| |
BEANTOWNBELLACHECK p, 3, 1:57.2f -'18, BT1:57f-'18 ($19,472). |
| |
SAND HUNTER p, 2, Q1:58.2f -'13, BT1:55.4s-'13 ($1,720). |
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Shell Play Ya. Now 3 . |