3rd dam |
TARPORT MAGGIE 3, 2:02.2f, 1:57.3 -'95 ($59,581) 12 wins, by BALTIC SPEED 3, 1:56. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners(1 in 1:54, 2 in 1:56, 4 in 1:58, 6 in 2:00) including- |
ITS MADE TO ORDER (m, Garland Lobell) 2, 1:58.1f -'99 ($314,218) 9 wins. Winner of 1999 O'Brien Award for Two Year Old Trotting Fillies. At 2, winner of Int'l Stallion S. div at The Red Mile, Matron S. prep at Dover Downs, final at Dover Downs, NYSS div at Monticello, div at Saratoga Harness, div at Yonkers, final at Yonkers, Oakville S. div at Mohawk; second in Trillium S. div at Woodbine; third in Breeders Crown elim at Mohawk. Exported to Finland. Dam of- |
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E L Miss Order 4, 2:00.4f -'08, BT1:56.4s-'08 ($32,042). Exported to Finland. |
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El Itsmadetoorder 4, 2:05h -'07, BTQ2:00.2s-'06 ($8,501). Exported to Finland. |
GLAD YOU ASKED (m, Lindy Lane) 2, 2:00f, 3, 1:59.3f -'03, BTQ1:57.1-'03 ($187,381) 7 wins. At 2, winner of PASS div at The Meadows, Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs; second in Keystone Classic S. div at The Meadows; third in Merrie Annabelle S. final at The Meadowlands, PASS div at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs, final at Pocono Downs. At 3, winner of Open at Pocono Downs, PA All Stars div at Pocono Downs, PASS div at The Meadows; second in Lady Suffolk S. div at Freehold, PASS div at The Meadows, Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs; third in Open at The Meadowlands, PASS div at Pocono Downs. Dam of- |
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CESAR A BLUE CHIP 2, 1:57f, 3, 1:53.2 -'09 ($177,101). Died 2009. |
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GAYNOR BLUE CHIP 3, 1:57.1f -'12, BT1:56.2f-'12 ($33,672). |
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OH MAGGIE 2, 1:57.2 -'07 ($22,013). Dam of- |
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OH OH ITS LINDY 2, 2:08.4h -'12, BT2:01.4f-'12 ($6,586). |
CAYENNE TURBO (h, Angus Hall) 3, 1:54.4, 4, 1:52.1 -'08 ($138,775) 6 wins. At 2, third in John Simpson Memorial div at The Red Mile. At 3, second in Goodtimes Trot elim at Mohawk, ONSS Gold elim at Rideau Carleton; third in ONSS Gold elim at Kawartha Downs, elim at Mohawk, elim at Woodbine. At 4, winner of Hiram Woodruff Series leg at The Meadowlands; second in Hiram Woodruff Series leg at The Meadowlands; third in Father Foley Memorial leg at The Meadowlands, Hiram Woodruff Series final at The Meadowlands. |
CHECKNYOUOUT (g, Angus Hall) 2, Q2:04.1f, 1:54.2f -'14 ($129,044) 12 wins. |
STRIKING HURRICANE (g, Striking Sahbra) 2, 2:04.3f, 3, 2:00.2h, 4, 1:57.2h -'15, BT1:56.2s-'14 ($69,818) 9 wins. At 2, winner of ONSS Grassroots div at Kawartha Downs. At 3, second in ONSS Grassroots div at Grand River; third in Dream Of Glory S. elim at Hanover, ON Autumn Series leg at Woodbine. |
ITS ALL OR NOTHING (h, Pine Chip) 2, Q2:01.3f, 3, Q2:01.1h, 4, 1:57.2f -'03 ($44,326) 7 wins. At 3, third in Dexter Cup final at Freehold. Exported to Italy. |
Maggies Legacy (m, Windsongs Legacy) , BT2:00.1f-'10 ($16,578). As Above. |
Easy Enough (m, Enjoy Lavec) , BT1:59-'03 ($3,475). Died 09/2005. |
Proud Maggie (m, Lindy Lane). Dam of- |
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HOLY MOLIE MAGGIE 3, 1:57s -'12, BT1:55.2s-'14 ($147,042). Dam of- |
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Allstar Megastar 3, 2:02.1h -'23, BT2:00.4h-'23 ($12,948). |
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SCIROCCO DAN 3, Q1:59.4f -'14, BT1:58.2s-'14 ($3,866). |
Wrinkle Free (h, Angus Hall). |