3rd dam |
MISSY HADAGAL 3, 2:04.4h ($12,517) 5 wins, by SPEED BOWL 3, 1:56.2. From 13 foals, dam of 8 winners(4 in 1:56, 5 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00) including- |
LASSIES GOAL (m, Armbro Goal) 2, 1:57, 3, 1:54.2 -'98 ($596,739) 25 wins. At 2, winner of Futurity Hill Farm S. div at The Red Mile. At 3, winner of Breeders Crown final at Colonial Downs, Currier & Ives S. elim at The Meadows, Hanover S. at Balmoral Park, Horseman Futurity at Indiana State Fair, Matron S. elim at Dover Downs, Tompkins-Geers S. at Scioto Downs, World Trotting Derby heat at Duquoin State Fair, race off at Duquoin State Fair; second in American-National S. at Balmoral Park, Breeders Crown elim at Colonial Downs, Connors Memorial elim at Hazel Park, Galt Memorial div at Maywood Park, KY Futurity elim at The Red Mile; third in Currier & Ives S. final at The Meadows, KY Futurity final at The Red Mile, World Trotting Derby heat at Duquoin State Fair. At 4, second in Classic Series leg at Woodbine. Dam of- |
| |
ROMPAWAY ALVIN 2, 1:57z, 3, 1:53.2z, 1:53.2f -'12 ($327,648). |
| |
ROMPAWAY GYPSY 3, 1:58s -'14, BT1:56.4-'14 ($55,355). Dam of- |
| | |
One Mike Out. Now 2. |
| |
ROMPAWAY ZANE 3, 2:01.2z, 1:59f -'11, BT1:57.3-'08 ($51,188). |
| |
ROMPAWAY JAZZY 2, 2:08.3h, 3, 1:58.2h -'17 ($23,864). Dam of- |
| | |
SMOKEITSTEADY 3, 1:55.3f -'24, BT1:54.4f-'24 ($113,115). |
| | |
JAZZYASWANN 2, 2:09.1h -'22, BT1:59.1s-'23 ($8,199). |
| | |
Lets Go Girl. Now 2. |
| |
ROMPAWAY CONNOR 3, 2:01.1f, 4, 1:58.3f -'11, BT1:57.2f-'11 ($23,345). |
| |
Rompaway Bridget 2, Q2:03.3f -'08, BT1:59.1-'08 ($14,328). Died 2009. |
| |
Rompaway Emiracle 2:04.2h -'14, BT2:02.2f-'13 ($10,695). Dam of- |
| | |
Chrome Girls. Now 3 . |
| | |
Shezaroyalmiracle. Now 2. |
| |
Rompaway Ian 2, 2:00.1s -'15, BT1:58.4s-'16 ($8,153). |
| |
Rompaway Doczella , BT2:04f-'11 ($168). Dam of- |
| | |
DOCS DILEMMA 3, 1:59.4f -'21, BT1:57.3f-'21 ($20,669). |
| | |
JAIL GIRL 3, 1:58.1f -'16, BT1:57.4f-'17 ($10,878). |
LEAR JETTA (h, Lindy Lane) 2, 1:55.3f, 3, 1:54.1f -'08 ($469,410) 16 wins. At 2, winner of Breeders Crown elim at The Meadowlands, Keystone Classic S. div at The Meadows, MD Std. Race Fund div at Ocean Downs, div at Rosecroft, Matron S. elim at Dover Downs, final at Dover Downs, PASS div at Harrahs Chester Casino, final at Harrahs Chester Casino, div at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs, Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs; third in Breeders Crown final at The Meadowlands. At 3, winner of Currier & Ives elim at The Meadows, PASS div at Harrahs Chester Casino, div at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs, Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs. |
HADAGOAL (h, Armbro Goal) 3, 2:00.2s, 1:55.4s -'99 ($97,058) 22 wins. At 3, winner of Vita Oil Co Series leg at Hoosier Park; third in Vita Oil Co Series leg (twice) at Hoosier Park, final at Hoosier Park. As aged, third in Holiday Series elim at Yonkers, La Normandie Claiming Series elim at Hippodrome Montreal, at Hippodrome Montreal. |
GALAHADS DAMSEL (m, Pine Chip) 2, Q2:02.4, 3, 1:59.1s, 4, 1:58.2 -'03, BT1:55.3-'03 ($65,782) 5 wins. As Above. |
SUPER HI OCTANE (g, Pine Chip) 2, 2:01.1, 3, 2:01.1f, 4, 1:58.1s -'05 ($49,919) 17 wins. |
MISSYS GOAL (m, Armbro Goal) 2, 2:00.4, 3, 1:56 -'96 ($28,252) 7 wins. At 2, winner of NJ Fair S. div at Flemington, div (twice) at Garden State Park; second in Frank Ervin Memorial div at The Red Mile, NJ Fair S. div at Freehold, div at Garden State Park; third in NJSS div at Garden State Park. At 3, winner of NJ Fair S. div (twice) at Showplace Farm; third in NJ Fair S. div at Showplace Farm. Died 10/2024. Dam of- |
| |
MISSYS GOALFIRE 2, 1:58.4, 3, 1:57.1h -'02, BT1:54.3s-'02 ($322,672). Dam of- |
| | |
MISSYS DOUBT FIRE 2, 1:57.2, 3, 1:55.4s -'09, BT1:53.4-'09 ($177,924). Exported to Sweden. |
| | |
ME AND CINDERELLA 2, 1:57f, 3, 1:56.1f -'13, BT1:54.1f-'13 ($107,398). |
| | |
MISSY MOUNTAIN TOP 3, 1:56.4f -'17, BT1:55.2f-'17 ($33,490). |
| | |
MISSYMAE BLUESTONE 2, 2:01.1f -'06 ($12,172). |
| |
HAVE YOU EVER 2, 1:59.3, 3, 1:55.2 -'04, BT1:53.2-'04 ($204,280). Exported to Sweden. Dam of- |
| | |
MUSCLE BABY DOLL 2, 1:56.3s, 3, 1:52 -'15 ($392,375). |
| | |
Ill Be 3, Q2:04.1f -'14. |
| |
PRIVATE PENNANT 3, 2:02.4, 1:55.2f -'05 ($177,887). |
| |
MADAME VOLO 2, 1:56.4 -'06, BTQ1:55.2-'07 ($32,504). Dam of- |
| | |
HIGH BRIDGE 2, 1:57.4f, 3, 1:54.3f -'13, BT1:52.3f-'14 ($327,544). Exported to Sweden. |
| | |
MCATTEE 3, 1:57.1f -'12, BT1:55f-'13 ($63,699). |
| | |
Malmo 3, 2:00.4f -'18, BT1:58-'17 ($7,040). |
| |
Mayflower Volo , BT2:03.1f-'09 ($320). Dam of- |
| | |
TWO HIP DIP 4, 1:53.4 -'15, BT1:53.1-'15 ($127,892). |
| | |
MAX VOLO 3, 1:56, 4, 1:53.3 -'19, BT1:53.2-'20 ($122,455). |
| | |
RACER X 3, 1:58f, 1:53.3f -'15 ($116,198). |
| | |
MAYDAY VOLO 3, 1:57.1h, 4, 1:57f -'22, BT1:56.4f-'22 ($51,782). |
| | |
MAGNOLIA VOLO 2, 1:59.4f, 3, 1:54.2 -'22, BT1:54-'22 ($36,112). |
| | |
Jasmine Volo 2, Q2:01s -'19, BT1:56.1-'19 ($17,374). |
| | |
GREAT EXPLORER 3, 1:59.4 -'19, BT1:57.4-'19 ($7,225). |
| |
Missysmandarine. Dam of- |
| | |
CHINESE CUISINE 3, 1:56.2, 1:53.4f -'14, BT1:53.3-'14 ($208,141). |
| | |
CELEBRITY OLYMPIA 3, 1:57.3 -'10, BT1:56.3-'10 ($48,875). |
| | |
Georgie Mae 2, 2:00.3 -'12, BT1:59.1-'12 ($1,426). Exported to Denmark. |
| |
Missys Go Go. Exported to Norway. Dam of- |
| | |
COOL KEEPER 3, 1:58.3f, 4, 1:53 -'14 ($258,981). Exported to Sweden. |
| | |
MISSYS GA GA 3, 1:56.4f, 1:55.3s -'16, BT1:53s-'16 ($109,281). |
| | |
TOGA TOWN 1:59f -'14, BT1:56.2s-'16 ($96,921). |
| | |
PERFECT PRELUDE 3, 1:58.2h -'09, BT1:56.1-'09 ($82,816). Died 08/2020. |
| | |
CAFFEINE FREAK 2, 2:06.3h -'09, BT1:59.3-'09 ($6,050). |
| |
Missys Mission. Dam of- |
| | |
GETINONTHESECRET 2, 1:59s, 3, 1:56.4s, 4, 1:54.4f -'13 ($137,103). |
| | |
MISS MARLENE 2, 1:59.4f, 3, 1:56.4f, 4, 1:55.2f -'18, BT1:54.3f-'18 ($77,764). |
| | |
CAPITAL T STORM 2, 1:57.4f, 3, 1:56.1f, 4, 1:55.4f -'22, BT1:55f-'22 ($67,527). |
| | |
DAWN OF GLORY 3, 1:57f -'19, BT1:55f-'20 ($67,457). |
| | |
JEANULIE 3, 1:57.2f, 1:56.2f -'17, BT1:55.1f-'17 ($62,390). |
| | |
IBELIEVE IBELIEVE 4, 2:00.4h -'10, BTQ1:57.3-'09 ($36,273). |
| | |
MISSION REVEALED 3, 1:54.3f -'18 ($20,700). |
| |
On The Glide. Dam of- |
| | |
DONATELLA HANOVER 2, 1:58.1f, 3, 1:54 -'14, BT1:53f-'14 ($161,613). |
| | |
NICE GUY EDDIE 3, 1:57.1h, 4, 1:55.4 -'23, BT1:52.4-'22 ($122,410). |
| | |
PARTY BOY HANOVER 3, 1:56s -'20, BT1:55.1f-'22 ($108,256). |
| | |
Off Road Hanover 3, 2:00.1h -'21, BT1:56.4s-'22 ($58,717). |
| | |
SHORTIE JOE 3, 1:56.4f -'18, BT1:54.2-'18 ($47,331). |
| | |
OPEN ROAD HANOVER 3, 1:56.4f -'16, BT1:55.4f-'15 ($32,351). |
| | |
Omelet Hanover. Now 2. |
MS KRISTIN (m, Donerail) 2, 1:56.1z -'06 ($15,718) 3 wins. At 3, third in Maxie Lee Memorial leg at Harrahs Chester Casino. At 4, winner of Miracle Mile 4 at Vernon Downs; second in Miracle Mile 4 at Vernon Downs. Dam of- |
| |
POUR MEA DOUBLE 2, 1:56, 3, 1:53f -'22, BT1:51.1-'22 ($306,472). |
| |
CZECH IT OUT 3, 1:57.4f, 4, 1:56.1f -'15, BT1:54f-'15 ($178,610). |
| |
JACKSONS GOLD 2, Q2:01.3f, 3, 1:57s, 4, 1:55.3f -'18, BT1:55.1f-'18 ($61,723). |
| |
MISTY KRISTY 3, 1:57f -'21, BT1:56.3f-'21 ($35,521). Dam of- |
| | |
Misty Vodka. Now 2. |
| |
Lucky Kristen 2, Q2:02 -'15, BT1:56.4f-'15 ($25,743). |
| |
KRISTEN Y 2, 2:01.4h -'12, BT2:01s-'12 ($17,586). Dam of- |
| | |
Matter Of Trust 3, 1:55.2f -'22 ($56,783). |
| | |
JACKS BOY 3, 1:55.4s -'24 ($40,646). |
| | |
Double Arch 2, 2:01.3s -'24, BT2:01.2s-'24 ($8,079). |
| | |
KRISTENS DOVE 2, 2:11.1h -'20, BTQ2:07f-'20 ($3,367). |
| | |
Tricky Kris. Now 2. |
| |
DETONATED 3, 2:04.3h -'20, BT2:00.3f-'20 ($12,386). |
| |
Ms Kristins Baby , BT1:58.3s-'15 ($885). Dam of- |
| | |
Social Distanced 3, 1:59.1s -'23, BT1:56.2s-'24 ($14,469). |
| | |
Snack On My Back. Now 3. |
K J Flak (m, Flak Bait) 3, 2:13.3h, 4, 2:04.4f -'95 ($3,615) 3 wins. |
Warrant To Win (g, Cantab Hall) , BT2:00.3s-'09 ($1,938). |
Curious (m, Armbro Goal) , BTQ2:07.2-'00 ($600). Exported to Finland. |
Goals Gal (m, Armbro Goal). Died 2016. Dam of- |
| |
CAMP COMMANDO 2, 2:02.1f, 3, 1:59.4f -'06, BT1:57.3f-'07 ($115,257). |
| |
GO GAL GO 2, 2:09h -'08, BT2:01.1f-'10 ($9,641). |
| |
Us Goalie 3, 2:00.3f -'13, BT1:59.2f-'13 ($8,991). |
Hadaguy (h, Armbro Goal). |
Missy Lane (m, Lindy Lane). Dam of- |
| |
THOUGHTFUL LEADER 3, Q2:04s, 4, 1:57.1f -'16, BT1:55f-'17 ($71,456). |
| |
JOE EXOTIC 3, 1:58f -'21, BT1:57.1f-'21 ($51,456). |
| |
BLAMELESS 3, 1:58.3f -'14 ($29,860). |
| |
MR CLAY 2, 2:07h, 3, 1:59.2s -'16, BT1:57.4s-'16 ($9,905). |
| |
Pole Position 2, Q2:04.1 -'09. Exported to Sweden. |
| |
Miss My Kiss. Now 3 . |
| |
Devious Lane. Now 2. |