3rd dam |
SUPER SHANN 3, Q2:04, 4, 1:59.3f -'94 ($26,764) 10 wins, by SPEED IN ACTION 4, T1:57. From 11 foals, dam of 7 winners(1 in 1:54, 5 in 1:58, 6 in 2:00) including- |
HOUSETHATRUTHBUILT (m, Muscles Yankee) 2, 1:57, 3, 1:52.4 -'04, BT59.4-'03 ($1,165,183) 13 wins. As Above. |
MASTER LAVEC (h, Mr Lavec) 2, 1:56.4s -'99, BT1:56-'00 ($584,331) 11 wins. Winner of 1999 HTA Nova Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts and 1999 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts. At 2, winner of Breeders Crown final at Mohawk, Int'l Stallion S. div at The Red Mile, Landmark S. div at Historic Track, NYSS div at Buffalo, div at Monticello, div at Saratoga Harness, div (twice) at Yonkers, final at Yonkers, Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs. At 3, winner of NY Fair S. div at The Syracuse Mile; second in NYSS div at Vernon Downs, div at Yonkers; third in NYSS div at Yonkers, Yonkers Trot elim at Yonkers. |
CELEBRITY MASTER (g, Donerail) 2, 2:00.2h, 3, 1:59f, 1:57.3s -'08, BT1:54-'05 ($113,731) 8 wins. At 2, winner of NJSS div at Freehold; second in E H Harriman Cup final at The Meadowlands, NJSS div at The Meadowlands; third in NJSS div at The Meadowlands. At 3, second in NJSS div at The Meadowlands; third in Open at The Meadowlands. As aged, second in Miracle Mile 3 at Vernon Downs. |
CELEBRITY WONDER (g, Wonder Dancer) 1:58.4h -'10, BT1:56.4h-'10 ($70,464) 18 wins. As aged, winner of Open at Northfield Park, Otis Boring Memorial leg (twice); second in Open (3 times) at Northfield Park; third in Open (4 times) at Northfield Park, . at Northfield Park, Otis Boring Memorial leg. |
SUGAR (m, Sir Taurus) 2, Q2:04s -'01, BT2:03.3h-'01 ($58,482) 3 wins. At 2, winner of Landmark S. div at Historic Track, NYSS div at Buffalo, div at Saratoga Harness; second in NYSS div at Monticello, div (twice) at Yonkers. Dam of- |
| |
SWEET JUSTICE 2, 1:59.2, 3, 1:52, 4, 1:51.1 -'14 ($499,298). |
| |
SWEET HONEY 2, Q2:04.1h, 3, 1:56.2h, 1:54.3h -'20 ($267,171). |
| |
BABY YODA 2, 2:05.3h, 3, 1:58.3h, 1:55.4h -'23, BT1:54f-'23 ($187,967). |
| |
SUGAR TOP 2, 1:57f, 3, 1:55.3f -'18, BT1:53.4-'18 ($168,190). |
| |
WICKED SUGAR 2, Q2:01.2h, 3, 1:55.2h, 4, 1:55s -'20, BT1:54f-'21 ($82,076). Dam of- |
| | |
Tacky Sugar 2, 1:55.1f -'24, BT1:54.4-'24 ($21,700). |
| |
SUGAR N CHIPS 2, Q2:02.3f, 3, 1:58.2f -'08, BT1:57.2-'08 ($71,535). Dam of- |
| | |
CASH N CHIPS 2, 1:58.3f, 3, 1:55f -'21, BT1:54.4f-'22 ($153,211). |
| | |
SHOW BIZ HALL 2, 1:55, 3, 1:54.3s -'15, BT1:54f-'16 ($125,883). |
| | |
SINATRA HALL 2, 1:56.2 -'12 ($34,439). |
| | |
Sugar N Honey. Now 3 . |
| |
TOO GOOD TOO PASS 2, Q2:00f, 3, 1:56.2f, 4, 1:56.1f -'11, BT1:56s-'12 ($61,766). |
| |
CJS SUGAR BEAR 3, 1:57.1f -'07, BT1:56.3f-'08 ($41,294). |
| |
Dixie Crystal 2, Q2:00.4s -'05 ($1,122). Dam of- |
| | |
TEMPER OF WILL 2, 1:58.3s, 3, 1:57.2f -'11, BT1:56s-'11 ($173,888). |
| | |
RC SERPENT 2, 1:58.1f, 1:54.4f -'12 ($141,161). |
| | |
ROYALTY FREE 3, 1:56.3s -'13 ($53,469). |
CELEBRITY OBSESION (m, Tom Ridge) 2, 1:57.4s, 4, 1:56.1s -'12, BT1:55.3f-'12 ($37,705) 5 wins. At 2, winner of Kindergarten Classic Series cons at Vernon Downs; second in Kindergarten Series leg at The Meadowlands; third in Reynolds Memorial div at Pocono Downs. At 4, winner of Late Bloomer Series leg (twice) at Vernon Downs; third in Late Bloomer Series final at Vernon Downs. Dam of- |
| |
CELEBRITY RUTH 3, 1:53.4f, 4, 1:51.4 -'18, BT1:50.3-'18 ($505,817). Dam of- |
| | |
CELEBRITY BAMBINO 2, 1:53, 3, 1:50.4 -'23 ($895,202). |
| | |
CONVERSANO 2, 1:55 -'24, BT1:54.3-'24 ($30,125). |
| | |
Giuseppe C. Now 2. |
| |
CELEBRITY MIRACLE 3, 2:02f, 4, 1:54f -'20 ($60,238). |
| |
NORMA PEARL 2, 1:56.4f -'23, BT1:54.4-'24 ($49,938). |
| |
Soulful Saul. Now 2. |
CELEBRITY SPIRIT (m, Tom Ridge) 3, 1:57.4s -'10, BT1:55.1s-'10 ($22,817) 2 wins. At 3, second in Elegantimage S. cons at Mohawk, Late Closer E leg at The Red Mile; third in Late Closer #2 leg at The Red Mile, Late Closer E leg at The Red Mile. Dam of- |
| |
DIVINE SPIRIT 2, 1:55.4, 3, 1:54f, 1:53f -'24 ($221,282). |
| |
SPIRIT TO WIN 2, 1:55.3s, 3, 1:52 -'15 ($185,630). Died 07/2015. |
| |
SPIRIT SQUAD 3, 1:55f -'16 ($59,053). Exported to Finland. |
| |
WHISKEY DOUBLE 2, 2:02.4h, 3, Q2:02f -'24, BTQ1:57-'25 ($23,745). |
| |
Seven Shadows 3, 1:56f -'22 ($17,097). |
Missy Lavec (m, Mr Lavec). Dam of- |
| |
REAL CAVIAR 2, 2:00f, 3, 1:56.4f -'16, BT1:56.3f-'16 ($75,804). Dam of- |
| | |
Dancing Dover 3, Q1:59.4s -'24, BT1:56f-'24 ($21,073). |
| | |
Real Help. Now 3 . Raced at 2. |
| | |
Dont Let Real. Now 2. |
| |
GLIDE SPEED 3, 1:59, 1:57s -'14, BT1:56.2s-'14 ($57,025). |
| |
DALEY DOUBLE 2, Q2:02.3s, 3, Q1:59.2f -'05, BT1:57.3s-'05 ($28,106). |
| |
DONT SAY DONT 2, Q2:02, 3, 2:00f -'12, BT1:57.4s-'12 ($24,556). Dam of- |
| | |
OBERTO 3, 1:54.4, 1:53.1f -'23, BT1:52.3f-'22 ($448,560). |
| | |
TRINA 2, 1:55.4s, 3, 1:53.4s -'20, BT1:53.3f-'20 ($142,165). |
| | |
GINS TONIC 2, 1:56.3f, 3, 1:56.1f -'17, BT1:55.1f-'17 ($80,948). |
| | |
Berlioz 3, Q2:02.4f -'18, BT2:00.4s-'18 ($2,090). |
| |
VC ECLIPSE 2, 2:08h -'12, BT1:59.3f-'12 ($7,255). |
| |
Bentley Bob 2, Q2:00.3s -'07, BT1:59.3s-'07 ($3,397). |
| |
Dreamsrmadeofthis. Dam of- |
| | |
CURLYS SON 3, 1:57s, 1:54.3h -'18 ($289,867). |
| | |
DALEY LOVIN 2, 1:56.3s, 3, 1:53.4s -'14 ($214,546). Exported to Sweden. |
| | |
DALEYDAYDREAM 2, 1:59.4s -'10, BT1:56.2s-'11 ($66,492). |
| | |
DALEYS MASERATI 3, 1:57.2f -'16, BT1:56.1s-'16 ($30,649). |
| | |
DALEYS DREAM DEWEY 2, 2:02.2h -'17, BT1:58.1s-'18 ($25,785). |
| | |
ANDOVER DREAMER 3, Q1:58.4f -'10, BTQ1:57.4-'10 ($14,156). |
| | |
MORGANSLOVIN DREAM 2, 2:04.2h -'18, BT1:59.3s-'18 ($13,017). |
| | |
Cherry Lovin 2, Q1:59f -'21 ($1,200). |
| | |
Cherry Whip Dream. Now 3 . |
| |
Ebony Eyes. Dam of- |
| | |
TOWNLINE BIG STICK 3, 1:59.2s, 4, 1:58f -'17, BTQ1:57.3f-'17 ($43,383). |
| | |
EBONY CAN IVORY 3, 1:58.2f -'14 ($25,444). |
Ayreborne Victory (m, Well Dressed). Dam of- |
| |
Dibrizzi. Exported to Russia. Dam of- |
| | |
CRAZY ABOUT PAT 3, 1:54s, 1:53.1f -'16 ($977,596). |
| | |
NOWUCIT NOWUDONT 2, 1:57.1s, 3, 1:55.3s, 1:53 -'16 ($381,434). |
| | |
PAT MATTERS 3, 1:53.3s, 1:51.2f -'21, BT1:50.2-'18 ($374,902). |
| | |
MAGIC FEELING 3, 1:55.1s -'14 ($45,443). |
| | |
BRENDA AND EDDIE 3, 1:58.4s -'17, BT1:57.4s-'17 ($13,842). |
| | |
GOLDEN SLUMBER 3, Q1:58.2s -'15, BT1:58.1s-'15 ($1,394). |
| |
Angela Loves Cash (p, 2, Q2:00.3s -'10, BT1:57.4h-'11 ($11,389)). |
Celebrity Gigolo (g, Broadway Hall). |
Celebrity Tequila (h, Tom Ridge). |