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Breeding - Sale Pedigree Report - US$
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45P11WINDS OF LOVEBayFilly05-may-2024
Microchip: 985141006854770 Bio Neck 28-MAY-2024

3,1:52.1 ($1,946,693)
3,1:50.1 ($3,266,835)
3,1:52.2 ($1,424,938)
VALLEY VICTORY  (1986)3,1:55.3 ($485,307)
MAIDEN YANKEE  (1981)3,1:59.4f ($188,722)
3,1:59.4f ($8,434)
AMERICAN WINNER  (1990)3,1:52.3 ($1,302,451)
YANKEE BAMBI  (1976) ($2,803)
3,1:58.1f ($99,756)
3,1:54 ($1,442,303)
SELF POSSESSED  (1996)3,1:51.3 ($1,346,390)
CANLAND HALL  (1996)3,1:57s ($339,143)
3,1:56.2s ($79,349)
LINDY LANE  (1993)3,1:53 ($895,110)
4,1:53.3 ($904,600)
SUPER BOWL  (1969)
3,1:56.2 ($601,006)
STARS PRIDE  (1947)1:57.1 ($140,969)
PILLOW TALK  (1962)3,2:11.1h ($1,119)
3,1:57 ($320,961)
SPEEDY CROWN  (1968)3,1:57.1 ($545,495)
BEAT THE CLOCK  (1971)5,2:04f ($32,661)
AMOUR HALL  (1997)
3,1:55.3 ($345,689)
ABC FREIGHT  (1974)3,T1:56.3 ($178,694)
GAMIN LOBELL  (1974)3,T2:05 ($43,349)
3,2:03.1f ($21,355)
1st dam
LOVE TACTICS , by TAGLIABUE  4, 1:53.3. From 11 foals, including a two-year-old of 2025, dam of 3 winners(1 in 1:56, 2 in 1:58, 3 in 2:00) including-
  Take The Credit (g, Credit Winner) , BT1:53.4s-'20 ($97,317). At 2, second in NYSS div at Batavia Downs; third in NYSS div at Tioga Downs. At 3, second in Empire Breeders Classic div at Vernon Downs, NYSS div at Vernon Downs; third in NYSS div at Saratoga Harness, div at Yonkers.
  TACTFUL WAY (g, Broadway Hall) 2, Q1:56.4f, 3, 1:55f, 4, 1:54.1 -'14 ($67,213) 7 wins.
  THUNDERING LOVER (g, Broadway Hall) 2, 2:01f, 3, 1:57.3f, 4, 1:56.4f -'18, BT1:55.3f-'18 ($52,700) 4 wins.
  ESCAPE TACTICS (m, Broadway Hall) 3, 2:00f, 4, 1:58.1f -'15, BT1:57.4f-'15 ($34,021) 4 wins. At 3, second in PASS div at Gratz, div at Port Royal, Quaker State S. div at Bedford; third in PASS div at Meadville, div at Wattsburg. Dam of-
   RIPPLE OF HOPE 2, 2:10.4h, 3, 1:57.2f, 4, 1:54.3f -'22 ($109,363).
   PELHAM PARKWAY 2, 2:08.4h -'24, BTQ2:02f-'24 ($7,207).
  Fashion Lover (m, Broadway Hall) , BT1:55.4-'14 ($10,246). At 2, second in Kindergarten Classic S. div at The Red Mile; third in Late Closer #2 leg at The Red Mile. Exported to Italy. Dam of-
   CELEBRITY STALLONE 3, 1:56.4f, 1:56.3f -'21, BT1:55.3f-'19 ($53,303).
  Loveya Fashion (m, Broadway Hall). Exported to Sweden.
  Broadway Tactics (h, Broadway Hall). Died 2016.
  Seven Cupids (m, Chapter Seven).
  Great Love (m, Cantab Hall).
  Clever Tactics (f, Trixton). Now 3 .
  Ten Pin (c, Archangel). Now 2.
2nd dam
AMOUR HALL , by GARLAND LOBELL  3, 1:55.3. From 13 foals, dam of 4 winners(1 in 1:56, 2 in 1:58, 3 in 2:00) including-
  AMOUR AMI (h, Tagliabue) 3, 1:54.1s -'05, BT1:51.4-'09 ($424,914) 25 wins. At 3, winner of PA Ch final at Pocono Downs, PASS div (twice) at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs.
  SWEET LOVE (m, Chocolatier) 2, 1:56.2f -'10 ($109,807) 4 wins. At 2, winner of Breeders Crown elim at Pocono Downs, Matron S. elim at Dover Downs; second in Int'l Stallion S. div at The Red Mile, Matron S. final at Dover Downs; third in NJSS leg at Freehold. Died 2019. Dam of-
   MISSWALNER FASHION 2, 1:53.3, 3, 1:52.2 -'22, BT1:51.2-'22 ($432,429).
   FASHION POSSESSED 2, 1:56.4f -'18, BT1:55.4f-'18 ($86,273).
   Love On Broadway. Dam of-
    KODACK BLACK 2, 1:56.4f -'22, BT1:55.4f-'24 ($269,861).
    SHES ON BROADWAY 3, Q1:58.4f -'21 ($3,696).
    Broadway Baddie. Now 2.
  CHEESE DANISH (m, Tagliabue) 3, 1:58.2f -'07, BT1:58s-'07 ($15,938) 2 wins. Exported to Finland. Dam of-
   WARRAWEE ONYX 3, 1:58.4f, 1:54.1f -'17 ($236,303).
   CLIMB HIGHER 3, 1:58.2s, 4, 1:54.4s -'15 ($47,332).
   Warrawee Quince 3, 2:04h, 4, Q2:02.2f -'16, BT1:58.1s-'16 ($16,001).
   Come Home Et. Dam of-
    COME HOME FOR LIFE 3, 1:57.1s -'22, BT1:56s-'23 ($80,199).
    BRITISH STEEL 3, 1:54.3s -'14 ($51,455). Exported to Sweden.
    WARRAWEE UHNORI 3, 1:57.1s -'19, BT1:56.2s-'19 ($24,010).
    The Magic Man 4, 2:01.3h -'19, BT1:59.3h-'19 ($20,804).
    Warrawee Vulcan 2, 2:01.3f -'19, BT1:56.4s-'20 ($18,453).
  AMOUROUS TAG (m, Tagliabue) 2, 2:01.1f -'03 ($12,794) 1 win. At 2, winner of Arden Downs S. div at The Meadows; third in PASS div at Pocono Downs. Died 2007. Dam of-
   MIRADO 2, Q2:07s, 3, 1:58.1s, 4, 1:55.4s -'09 ($75,458). Dam of-
    POOF 2, 1:59.3h -'23, BT1:55.2s-'24 ($33,136).
    MICHIGAN HANOVER 3, 1:59.3f -'17, BT1:59f-'16 ($19,585).
    Lookin Fancy. Now 2.
  Amourato (m, Donato Hanover) 2, Q2:03f -'14, BT1:58f-'14 ($3,400). Dam of-
   SISTERS PROMISE 2, 1:55.4s, 3, 1:53.4s -'19, BT1:51.4-'19 ($170,809). Died 2024. Dam of-
    Montebello. Now 2.
   Sister Act 2, Q2:00.3s, 3, 1:57.2s -'23, BT1:55.3s-'22 ($25,019).
   STIFF DRINK 2, Q1:54.1 -'21 ($1,360).
   Sweet Imagination. Now 2.
  Love Tactics (m, Tagliabue). As Above.
  Yankee Amour (m, Muscles Yankee). Exported to Netherlands.
  Bocha Mea (m, Muscles Yankee). Dam of-
   LADYDINI 2, 2:00.1s -'17, BT1:59.2s-'17 ($11,578). Died 03/2023. Dam of-
    Century Jeanie Q2:02.2s -'25, BT2:01.2f-'23 ($5,364).
    Century Loch Ness. Now 3 .
   Muscle Mea. Now 3 .
  Love My Muscles (m, Muscles Yankee). Dam of-
   IMALOVELYLADY 2, 2:01.4h, 3, 1:56.2h, 4, 1:55.1s -'22, BT1:53.4s-'22 ($204,408).
   TROYCEN 2, 1:58f, 3, 1:55.4f, 1:54.1f -'24, BT1:54f-'24 ($176,170).
   DANGLE THEN DEKE 2, 1:55.1f -'16, BT1:54-'16 ($134,761). Dam of-
    DAHLQUIST HANOVER 3, 1:55.2h -'23, BT1:53s-'23 ($110,005).
    Dryden Hanover 2, 2:00s, 3, 1:57f -'24, BT1:56f-'24 ($44,094).
    Daffy Hanover. Now 3 . Raced at 2.
   L DEES BELLA 3, 1:57.3f -'19, BT1:56.3f-'19 ($44,980). Dam of-
    FLAMING SWORD 4, 1:58.3f -'25, BT1:57.1f-'24 ($35,377).
   Brother Love 3, 1:57.4f -'24 ($14,652).
  Credit Lover (m, Credit Winner). Dam of-
   MUSCLESGALORE 2, 2:14.2h -'23, BT1:59.1s-'23 ($5,131).
  Amours Credit (m, Credit Winner). Died 2014.
  Midgard Supremacy (m, Possess The Will). Dam of-
   AMOUR DEANER 2, 1:57.3f -'21, BT1:57f-'21 ($24,806).
   DEPPIE 2, 1:58s -'23, BT1:56.2s-'23 ($15,260).
   Amour Trinity 3, 1:59.2s -'23, BT1:58.2s-'23 ($6,400).
   Kc Macy. Now 2.
  Midgard Stealth (h, Yankee Glide). Exported to Norway.
3rd dam
AMOUR ANGUS  2, 2:08.2f, 3, 2:03.1f -'90 ($21,355) 5 wins, by MAGNA FORCE . At 2, winner of Circuit QC - B at Hippodrome Quebec, Circuit QC A at Hippodrome 3r, Quebec Circuit A div at Blue Bonnets; second in Circuit QC - B div at Blue Bonnets, Quebec Circuit B div at Blue Bonnets. At 3, second in Circuit QC - A at Blue Bonnets. From 15 foals, dam of 10 winners(2 in 1:54, 4 in 1:56, 8 in 1:58) including-
  ANDOVER HALL (h, Garland Lobell) 2, 1:56.2s, 3, 1:51.3 -'02 ($870,510) 11 wins. Winner of 2001 HTA Nova Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts and 2001 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts. At 2, winner of Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Breeders Crown elim at Woodbine, Campbellville S. elim at Mohawk, final at Mohawk, Champlain S. at Mohawk, Hanover S. div at Balmoral Park, Horseman Futurity at Indiana State Fair. At 3, winner of World Trotting Derby elim at Duquoin State Fair, final at Duquoin State Fair; second in American-National S. final at Balmoral Park, Cdn Trotting Classic elim at Mohawk, Hambletonian elim at The Meadowlands, KY Futurity at The Red Mile; third in Breeders Crown elim at Woodbine, KY Futurity at The Red Mile.
  ANGUS HALL (h, Garland Lobell) 2, 1:54.4z, 3, 1:54.3 -'99, BT1:52.3-'99 ($830,654) 8 wins. At 2, winner of Breeders Crown elim at Colonial Downs, Champlain S. div at Woodbine, John F Simpson S. at Hoosier Park, Valley Victory S. elim at Garden State Park; second in Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Campbellville S. div at Mohawk; third in Breeders Crown final at Colonial Downs, Valley Victory S. final at Garden State Park. At 3, winner of Hambletonian elim at The Meadowlands, Matron S. elim at Dover Downs; second in American-National S. at Balmoral Park, Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Hambletonian final at The Meadowlands, World Trotting Derby heat at Duquoin State Fair; third in Beacon Course S. elim at The Meadowlands, final at The Meadowlands, Breeders Crown at Mohawk, KY Futurity heat at The Red Mile. Died 2022.
  CONWAY HALL (h, Garland Lobell) 2, 1:57.2, 3, 1:53.4 -'98, BT1:53.2z-'98 ($818,884) 13 wins. Winner of 1997 HTA Nova Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts and Winner of 1997 O'Brien Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts/Geldings and 1997 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Two Year Old Trotting Colts. At 2, winner of Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Campbellville S. div at Mohawk, Champlain S. div at Woodbine, Fresh Faces Series leg at Hoosier Park, final at Hoosier Park, Post Printing/Lexington S. div at The Red Mile; second in Valley Victory S. elim at Garden State Park, final at Garden State Park; third in Fresh Faces Series leg (twice) at Hoosier Park. At 3, winner of American-National S. elim at Balmoral Park, Breeders Crown elim at Colonial Downs, John F Simpson S. at Hoosier Park, KY Futurity heat at The Red Mile; second in American-National S. final at Balmoral Park, Breeders Crown final at Colonial Downs, KY Futurity heat at The Red Mile, race off at The Red Mile, Speedy Scot S. at The Red Mile; third in Beacon Course S. elim at The Meadowlands, World Trotting Derby heat at Duquoin State Fair. Died 2023.
  EMILIE CAS EL (m, Garland Lobell) 2, 1:59.2f, 3, 1:57.1f -'95 ($454,688) 29 wins. Winner of 1994 ATAQ Award for Two Year Old Trotting Fillies and Winner of 1994 O'Brien Award for Two Year Old Trotting Fillies and Winner of 1994 O'Brien Award for Horse Of the Year. At 2, winner of Cdn Breeders Ch elim at Mohawk, final at Mohawk, Circuit QC (twice) at Blue Bonnets, Circuit QC - A (3 times) at Blue Bonnets, Circuit QC - B at Blue Bonnets, Coupe des Eleveurs S. elim at Blue Bonnets, final at Blue Bonnets, at Blue Bonnets. At 3, winner of Circuit QC - A at Blue Bonnets, at Hippodrome Quebec, Circuit QC A (twice) at Hippodrome 3r, Coupe des Eleveurs S. elim at Blue Bonnets; third in American-National S. at Sportsmans Park. Died 2021. Dam of-
   TRIXTON 2, 1:54.4s, 3, 1:50.3 -'14 ($947,057).
   IMPRESSIVE KEMP 2, 1:55.3, 3, 1:54.3 -'10, BT1:53.4f-'10 ($501,074). Dam of-
    NATURAL KEMP 2, 1:57.1, 3, 1:56.2f, 1:54.4f -'20, BT1:53.4s-'18 ($274,404).
    QUALITY KEMP 2, 1:54.3, 4, 1:53.4f -'19, BT1:53.2f-'19 ($156,337).
    IMPRESSIVE FASHION 2, Q1:55.2, 3, Q1:54.3 -'20, BT1:53.1f-'20 ($32,173).
   HIGHSCORE KEMP 2, 1:58.1, 3, 1:51.4 -'09 ($111,546). Dam of-
    LINDY THE GREAT 2, 1:55.3, 3, 1:52.1, 1:51.1s -'19, BT1:49.3-'18 ($1,498,377).
    MARQUIS LAFAYETTE 3, 1:55.2f, 1:52.1f -'23 ($361,350).
    MOTHER TERESA 2, 1:55.2 -'18, BTQ1:54.4-'19 ($120,817).
    THE PERFECT LINDY 2, 1:58.2h, 3, 1:55.3f -'16 ($65,053). Exported to Sweden.
    ORIGIN STORY 3, 1:54.4f -'22 ($25,100).
    Unnamed 2z219. Now 2.
   FABULOUS KEMP 2, 1:59.1, 3, Q1:57.3 -'07, BT1:57-'06 ($36,062). Exported to Sweden. Dam of-
    ORDER BY KEEPER 2, Q1:59.3, 3, 1:53.4 -'13 ($164,728). Exported to Sweden.
    AMOUR HEIRESS 2, 1:59.4f -'15, BTQ1:57.3-'15 ($6,000).
   QUANTUM KEMP 2, Q1:57.2, 3, 1:57.2f -'18, BT1:55-'18 ($13,970).
   Peaceful Kemp 2, 2:02.4 -'16, BT1:56.2-'16 ($3,356). Dam of-
    VENERATE 2, 1:51.4, 1:50.1f -'24 ($1,217,706).
    MANCLANE 3, 1:56.3f, 4, 1:55.2f -'24, BT1:53.1-'23 ($135,275).
    Takato 2, Q1:57.3 -'21, BT1:55-'21 ($41,554).
    Sinatra , BT1:55.1-'24 ($4,800). Now 3 . Raced at 2.
   Blazing Kemp. Exported to Sweden. Dam of-
    BLAZED 2, 1:58.2, 4, 1:54.1 -'13 ($95,029).
    BELLA BERRY 3, 1:58.2f -'15, BT1:57.3f-'15 ($13,620). Exported to Sweden.
    Blazing Musclegirl 3, Q2:04.1h -'09, BTQ2:03.1h-'09 ($1,150).
   Kemps Emilie. Exported to Sweden. Dam of-
    SINCERELY YOURS S 2, 1:57.4, 3, 1:56.3f -'14, BT1:56.2-'13 ($42,403).
  ADAMS HALL (h, Garland Lobell) 3, 1:55.1 -'04, BT1:54.3-'04 ($395,019) 11 wins. At 2, second in Bluegrass S. leg at The Red Mile; third in KYSS cons at The Red Mile, Lexington Breeders Classic elim at The Red Mile, final at The Red Mile. Exported to Sweden.
  GARNELIA ANGUS (m, Garland Lobell) 2, 2:02.2f, 4, T1:57.1 -'97 ($79,898) 10 wins. At 2, winner of Circuit QC at Blue Bonnets, Circuit QC - A (twice) at Blue Bonnets; second in Circuit QC at Blue Bonnets; third in Circuit QC (twice) at Blue Bonnets, Coupe des Eleveurs S. elim at Blue Bonnets, final at Blue Bonnets. At 3, third in Circuit QC - A at Hippodrome De Montreal (5/8). Exported to Sweden. Dam of-
   GEISHA HALL 2, 1:59.4s, 3, 1:59.2f -'06, BT1:56.3s-'06 ($128,321). Died 04/2008.
   GALAHAD HALL 3, 1:57.2z -'05, BT1:54.3z-'10 ($98,564).
   GAVIN HALL 3, 2:05.1, 4, 1:59.4 -'04, BT1:58.1-'04 ($24,716).
   Gwyneth Hall. Dam of-
    GODIVA HALL 2, 1:56.1, 3, 1:54.4f, 4, 1:53.3f -'08, BT1:52.2-'08 ($808,230). Exported to Germany.
    HIGHLAND MOWGLI 2, 1:57.2s, 3, 1:54.3f, 1:53.4f -'23, BT1:52.4f-'21 ($490,341).
    GOLDEN GENES HALL 2, 1:59.2f, 1:57.4h -'11, BTQ1:56.1f-'10 ($124,376).
    HIGHLANDMUSCLEHALL 3, 1:57f, 4, 1:56.2f -'16, BT1:55.1f-'16 ($58,215).
    HIGHLAND RIDGE 2, 1:59.4f -'08, BT1:57.2f-'08 ($33,427).
    Critical Path 3, 2:03.1h -'13, BTQ2:02.3s-'13 ($12,338).
    HIGHLAND GLIDER 3, Q1:57.4 -'10, BT1:56.2-'10 ($2,166).
   Now And Always. Dam of-
    THE MUSCLE TOUCH 3, 1:57.4f, 4, 1:56.3f -'17, BT1:55.4s-'16 ($111,770).
    HOPES SOLO 3, 1:56.1s -'18, BT1:55.2s-'20 ($84,129).
    REACH THE PEAK 2, Q1:57.4s -'16, BT1:56.2s-'16 ($28,141).
    Muscle Knowitall 3, 2:01.3f -'12, BT1:57.2s-'12 ($15,240).
    Striking Cantab. Now 3 .
    Mr Strikezone. Now 2.
  E L STEWART (h, Garland Lobell) 1:57.2s -'06, BT1:56.4s-'05 ($50,079) 3 wins. Exported to Finland.
  ALLSTAR HALL (h, Like A Prayer) 2, Q1:58.4, 3, Q1:56.1 -'07 ($38,349) 6 wins. At 2, winner of KY Fair S. div at The Red Mile, KYSS div at The Red Mile. Exported to Sweden.
  HAUTAIN ANGUS (g, A Worthy Lad) 2:03f -'99, BT2:02f-'99 ($14,671) 5 wins. As aged, winner of Le Mont Blanc Series at Hippodrome De Montreal (5/8); third in Le Brise Glace Series at Hippodrome De Montreal (5/8), Le Mont Blanc Series at Hippodrome De Montreal (5/8).
  All In Hall (h, Tom Ridge) 3, 2:00.3f -'12, BT1:59.4f-'12 ($9,826) 1 win.
  Advantage Hall (g, Tom Ridge) 2, T2:00.1 -'09 ($4,508).
  Amour Hall (m, Garland Lobell). Exported to Norway. As Above.
  Armed Hall (h, Striking Sahbra).
  Angelina Hall (m, Striking Sahbra). Died 2013. Dam of-
   ANGELETTE HANOVER 2, 1:56.3 -'10, BT1:55.3-'10 ($317,892). Dam of-
    SQUABLE 1:59.2h -'23, BT1:55.1f-'24 ($135,181).
    CELEBRITY ROLEX 1:56.2h -'22, BT1:54.4f-'22 ($71,589).
    TIME IS FLEETING 3, 1:58.1h -'18, BT1:57s-'18 ($51,360).
    NICK OF TIME 3, 1:57.2f -'17, BT1:56.1f-'17 ($46,544).
    ANGELS FOLLY 2, 1:58.2f, 3, 1:54f -'22, BTQ1:53.1-'22 ($45,851).
    Devious Valentine 3, 1:58f -'24, BT1:56.4f-'24 ($39,081).
    ARIELLA 3, 1:57.2s -'15, BT1:56.4s-'15 ($19,251).
    Angels Blessing. Now 3 .
    Lemon Martini. Now 2.
   ANNIE HALL 3, 1:57 -'08, BT1:56.4-'08 ($103,469). Exported to Sweden. Dam of-
    BUZZ 3, 1:56f, 1:52.4s -'18, BT1:52.3s-'20 ($565,036).
    WOODY 3, 1:57.2f -'13, BT1:55.3-'15 ($134,475).
   RAPHAELL 2, Q2:03f, 3, Q2:00.3f, 4, 1:56.3f -'14, BT1:56.1f-'14 ($63,346).
   ANGEL EYES HANOVER 3, 1:57.1s -'12, BT1:56f-'12 ($57,850). Dam of-
    AMBASSADOR HANOVER 2, 1:56s, 3, 1:51.2 -'21, BT1:50.2-'22 ($744,729).
    SAINT TRIXIE 2, 1:55.3 -'22, BT1:54.1s-'23 ($141,342).
    IBELIEVEINANGELS 2, 1:58.1s -'24, BT1:57s-'24 ($35,106).
    ANGUS HANOVER 2, 1:59.2s -'18, BT1:58.1f-'18 ($19,491).
    ALLISONANN HANOVER 2, 1:59.4f -'21, BT1:58.1s-'21 ($16,480).
    AMSTEL HANOVER 2, 1:54.2 -'23 ($12,855).
    Arbela Hanover. Now 2.
   ANONYME HANOVER 2, 1:56.3 -'13, BT1:54.4-'13 ($57,818). Dam of-
    DONATOVER 3, 1:53.1, 1:52.1f -'20 ($454,292).
    ADJURE HANOVER 2, 1:56.2s -'21, BT1:54.4s-'22 ($75,037).
    ABSYNTHE HANOVER 3, 1:56.4f -'19, BT1:56.3s-'19 ($51,539).
    Walover 3, 1:56.1f -'23, BT1:53.1f-'23 ($42,187).
    ALDABRA HANOVER 2, 1:55.4f -'19 ($37,554).
    AURELIUS HANOVER 3, 2:00f -'24, BT1:57f-'24 ($32,775).
    Aperol Hanover 2, 1:58.3f -'24, BT1:57.4f-'24 ($10,900).
    And One Hanover. Now 2.
   UP FRONT MURRAY 3, 1:56.2f -'15 ($36,598).
   MUSCLE AMOUR 2, 1:59.1, 3, Q1:58.4 -'10, BT1:54.1-'10 ($31,112). Dam of-
    SAXON 2, 1:56.3f, 3, 1:56.1f -'20, BT1:53.3-'20 ($113,658).
    LOVE ME MADLY 3, 1:55.4f -'15, BT1:53.3-'14 ($61,934). Exported to Norway.
    CITIZENSHIP 3, Q1:57.2 -'17, BT1:56f-'17 ($30,951).
    BRAXTON 3, 1:58s -'23 ($26,097).
    AD ASTRA 2, Q2:00s, 3, 1:57.3f -'21, BT1:54.4f-'21 ($19,227).
    Paradigm 3, 2:06.1h -'19, BT1:58f-'18 ($10,629).
  Absinthe Hall (m, Tom Ridge). Dam of-
   PETERS QUEEN 2, Q2:02.3f, 3, 1:58.3f -'20, BT1:56.4f-'20 ($19,490). Dam of-
    What A Allstar. Now 2.
   Lt Troubadour , BTQ2:01.3f-'24 ($284). Now 3 . Raced at 2.
   Aphrodite Hall. Dam of-
    Rhythmofthenight 4, 2:03h -'22, BT1:55.2f-'21 ($27,506).
   Affair Hall. Dam of-
    TWIN B ARCHIE 2, 1:54.3s, 3, 1:53.1s -'22, BT1:52s-'22 ($622,414).
    HOT WHEELZ 3, 1:55s, 4, 1:54.2h -'21, BT1:52.2s-'20 ($306,294).
    Twin B Fling 2, 1:58.2s, 3, 1:55.2s -'24, BT1:54.4s-'24 ($33,618).
    TWIN B PETER 3, 1:59s -'19 ($13,974).
    Twin B Monilicious. Now 3 . Raced at 2.
    Twin B Seven Sins. Now 2.
   April Hall. Died 2021. Dam of-
    APRIL SPIRIT 4, 1:59f -'23, BT1:55.4f-'23 ($90,932).
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