3rd dam |
ETERNAL CAMNATION p, 2, 1:52.3s, 3, 1:51.1, 1:49.2 -'02, BT1:49.1-'02 ($3,751,199) 47 wins, by CAM FELLA p, 4, 1:53.1. Winner of 1999 HTA Nova Award for Two Year Old Pacing Fillies and Winner of 1999 O'Brien Award for Two Year Old Pacing Fillies and Winner of 1999 OJC Award for Two Year Old Pacing Fillies and 1999 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Two Year Old Pacing Fillies and Winner of 2001 O'Brien Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2001 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2002 O'Brien Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2002 USHWA Dan Patch Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2002 WEG Award for Pacing Mare and Winner of 2003 HTA Nova Award for Older Pacing Horses/Mares and Winner of 2003 O'Brien Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2003 O'Brien Award For Horse Of The Year and Winner of 2003 USHWA Dan Patch Mare Pacer of the Year and Winner of 2003 WEG Award for Pacing Mare and Winner of 2004 O'Brien Award for Older Pacing Mares and Winner of 2004 WEG Award for Pacing Mare. At 2, winner of Bluegrass S. div at The Red Mile, Breeders Crown elim at Mohawk, final at Mohawk, Champlain S. div at Mohawk, Genesis Series leg (twice) at Hoosier Park, final at Hoosier Park, Harvest S. div at Mohawk, Int'l Stallion S. at The Red Mile, John F Simpson S. div at Hoosier Park, KY Std Sale S. div at Hoosier Park. At 3, winner of Bluegrass S. at The Red Mile, Fan Hanover S. final at Woodbine, Glen Garnsey Memorial div at The Red Mile, Jugette S. elim at Delaware County Fair, final at Delaware County Fair; second in Hopewell Series leg at Hoosier Park; third in Fan Hanover S. elim at Woodbine. At 4, winner of Breeders Crown final at The Meadowlands, at The Meadowlands, Classic Series leg at The Meadowlands, Classic Series - Distaff at Mohawk, Lady Liberty Series final at The Meadowlands, Milton S. final at Mohawk, Roses Are Red S. final at Woodbine; second in Classic Series - Distaff final at Woodbine, Roses Are Red S. elim at Woodbine, at Woodbine. As aged, winner of Breeders Crown final at Woodbine, Classic Distaff final at Dover Downs, Classic Series div at Dover Downs, Classic Series - Distaff elim at The Meadowlands, leg at Mohawk, final at Mohawk, Comfort Inn S. at Hoosier Park, Milton S. prep at Mohawk, final (twice) at Mohawk, Open (twice) at Mohawk, (twice) at Woodbine, Roses Are Red S. elim at Woodbine, final at Woodbine, at Woodbine, Trotting Classic leg at Mohawk; second in Allerage Farm S. final at The Red Mile, Breeders Crown final at The Meadowlands, Budweiser S. at Hoosier Park, Lady Liberty Series final (twice) at The Meadowlands, Milton S. final at Mohawk, Open (twice) at Mohawk, at Woodbine; third in Classic Series - Distaff final at The Meadowlands, Milton S. elim at Mohawk. From 6 foals, dam of 4 winners(1 in 1:53, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:57) including- |
ROCKEN CAMNATION (g, Rocknroll Hanover) p, 2, 1:57.3h, 3, 1:53.2, 1:50f -'15 ($537,517) 59 wins. As aged, second in Open at Scioto Downs; third in Open at Northfield Park. |
ETERNALEXPECTATION (m, Art Official) p, 3, 2:08.1h, 4, 1:55f -'15 ($20,730) 5 wins. Dam of- |
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Hungry Heart p, , BT1:55.2f-'24 ($5,940). Now 3 and racing. Raced at 2. |
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Blackwell Freddie. Now 2 . |
DOCDOR CAMEO (m, Real Artist) p, 2, Q1:57.3s, 4, 1:55.1 -'11, BT1:54.4-'11 ($11,525) 3 wins. As Above. |
Docdor Valentia (m, Western Hanover) p, 3, 2:00.2f -'11, BT1:59.3f-'11 ($1,240) 1 win. Dam of- |
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APRIL DEO p, 2, 1:57.3h, 3, 1:53.1f -'18, BT1:51.4-'19 ($74,525). |
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My Boy Elroy p, 2, 1:55.2f -'23, BT1:53.3f-'24 ($32,255). |
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DEO DAVINCI p, 2, 1:55.3f, 3, 1:53s -'17 ($21,969). |
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IN HER ARSENAL p, 2, 2:14h -'22, BTQ1:59.3s-'23 ($9,425). |
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EDITH KEELER p, 3, 1:57f -'16, BT1:56f-'16 ($8,323). Dam of- |
| | |
YANKEE KEELER p, 2, 1:56.2h, 3, 1:54.2f, 4, 1:52.3f -'22 ($81,498). |
D J Cameo (m, Real Artist). Dam of- |
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DONT ASK LOGAN p, 2, 2:00.4h, 4, 1:52f -'19 ($108,283). |
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MCFOOLERY p, 3, 1:56.4f, 1:53.1f -'16, BT1:51.4f-'16 ($83,920). Dam of- |
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Barefoot Blazer p, 3, 1:57.4h, 4, 1:56h -'23, BT1:53.4f-'23 ($83,857). |
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VINTAGE QUEEN p, 3, Q1:58.3h -'24, BT1:55.3f-'23 ($43,803). |
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WELL N DOWN p, 2, 1:56.1f, 3, 1:55h -'21, BT1:52.4f-'21 ($42,709). |
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DRAGON QUEST p, 2, 2:05.2h, 4, 1:54.2h -'21, BT1:53.4h-'21 ($39,045). |
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SAY SO SYD p, 2, 2:01.4h -'16, BTQ1:57.2s-'16 ($2,459). |
Realuhcamnation (m, Real Artist). Dam of- |
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Coalford Bet Aline p, 4, 1:53.2f -'23, BT1:52f-'23 ($96,029). |